Instagram is Your New Shopping Destination

Posted at 30th-Nov-2018 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

It’s easy to forget how much social media platforms have evolved. Remember when stories didn’t exist on Instagram? We used a different app, Snapchat, to record and receive motion content.

Social media will only continue to grow, in part due to the rise of consumer tools. These tools have helped establish social platforms as a relevant part of our lives, as well as a resource to society.   

As one of the world’s most used platform, Instagram has found ways to turn a profit from user engagement. The app now supports “shoppable” posts—users can purchase products from influencers and/or brands they follow and admire. Instagram has successfully made the shift from a primarily personal photo sharing platform to a business-oriented application in the world of e-commerce.

Shoppable posts allow brands and businesses to tag up to five products of organic content. It’s easy: you tap a white circle to learn the name of the product and its price. Users are then directed via a link to that brand or business’s website.

How Does This Play a Role in Influencer Marketing?

As long as the influencer has a business Instagram account, he/she has access to using these features. The “shopper” feature provides various benefits, but perhaps most important, it increases the impact of influencer campaigns.

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