What to Expect for Influencer Marketing in 2019

Posted at 6th-Dec-2018 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

Over the past few years, brands have continuously increased their marketing budgets to compensate digital influencers to promote their products and services. With 2019 just around the corner, budgets for influencer marketing will likely hit an all-time high. As an ever-changing landscape though, we’ve outlined the latest influencer marketing trends to plan for in the new year.

Expect More Long-Term Partnerships

One of the biggest complaints that companies have about influencer marketing is that they do not see an immediate boost in sales. However, just like with other forms of marketing, potential customers typically need to see an item promoted at least 7 times prior to making a purchase. Partnering with influencers for 6 months or more will allow them to generate multiple posts for their audiences in an authentic manner and will help to drive sales over time. We expect more brands to trade in the “one and done” posting approach with influencers and instead focus on finding the right long-term partners.

Proper Disclosure Will be More Important Than Ever

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) began cracking down on influencers that failed to disclose paid collaborations back in 2017. Other federal agencies have started taking note of suspicious influencer marketing practices as well. Recently DJ Khaled settled with the SEC over his promotion of a cryptocurrency on social media. With the increased risk of legal fees and fines, we expect more brands, influencers, and agencies will closely follow the guidelines for disclosure provided by the FTC.

Influencer Podcasts Will Really Take Off

Podcasts have gained significant popularity, and 50% of all US homes are now considered podcast fans! Influencers have taken note and many of them have launched their own shows. From reality television recaps hosted by past cast members to healthy lifestyle advice from fitness influencers, podcasts allow for variety. Stay ahead of the trend and look to partner with digital talent in 2019 that can promote your business through a podcast as well as on social media.

The Cost of Instagram Stories Will Rise

Instagram Stories have become a truly effective tool for any influencer campaign. With over 400 million daily active users, Instagram Stories provide viewers with a daily inside look at influencers’ real lives. Thanks to the Swipe Up feature, Instagram Stories are also more successful at driving website traffic than static posts. Influencers are aware of the value of their stories and prices are slowly on the rise for each frame. However, Instagram Stories are still typically cheaper than purchasing a permanent Instagram post. With the rising prices though, you can also expect more planned out and professional Instagram Story content from influencers.

Brands Will Continue to Seek Video Content from Influencers

Influencer produced video content will remain popular in 2019. Currently “video marketing represents for more than three-quarters of all internet traffic.” People continue to learn from video tutorials across multiple sectors, and find video content to be fun and engaging. Partnering with influencers to generate short and long video clips for their fans will remain effective in the new year.

Need help executing your influencer marketing campaigns in 2019? We would love to help! Please send us a note at [email protected]


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