Video Marketing Tips for Your Social Media Strategy

Posted at 8th-Sep-2017 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

Over the past two years, video marketing has become an essential part of content strategy for brands across all digital marketing platforms. Long gone are the days of saving video strictly for the Super Bowl Half-Time slot. Brands are using video content to more actively engage with audiences on social, streaming, and web platforms. Some brands are still hesitant to create video content, as it typically involves a larger financial commitment than static content–making it a high risk, high reward situation. We’re here to teach you how to utilize video marketing for your business, and hopefully, embrace what video can accomplish for your brand.

Video Marketing Tips

  • Keep your videos short and to the point–according to Wistia, psychologists say that the average human attention span for an online video is about 60 seconds.
  • Include humor–in the age of the golden meme; it’s hard to grab “the internet’s” attention without using a bit of humor (even if it’s self-deprecating).
  • Use the art of storytelling to stand out from the white noise of commercial video. Tap into your audience’s emotions by creating a video that tells a thoughtful story. 
  • Approach your product from a different angle by focusing on a theme [or your story] rather than the sales-led reasons why for selling your product.
  • Make the first three seconds irresistible! The opening of your video is what keeps your audience around for the next 45-60 seconds–make it count.
  • Make sure your video is optimized for mobile, as that’s where most of your views will come from.
  • Always include a call-to-action at the end of your video so that you have a measurable result of your views.

Video Marketing Strategy

  • Before creating your video, make sure that you’ve decided the goal of the content. Are you looking for new customers, rewarding old ones, informing the audience of a change in your service, seeking to showcase your brand’s personality? Set an initial goal to measure the success of your video content.
  • Determine the tone and content of your video as this will inform the type of audience you want to reach.
  • Know where you are going to share your video. Depending on the platform, one video can be repurposed for several channels, but this is important to know BEFORE you begin production.
  • How much of your marketing budget will you put behind advertising your video? This will determine the investment of time and budget you put into the production of the video.

Social Media Video Marketing

  • Video is a crucial element of any social media marketing strategy whether you’re on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter. Your content engagement rates will increase dramatically with the inclusion of video content.
  • Because of the niche target demographics and low cost per engagement, social media is ideal for advertising video content. 
  • Social media platforms are optimizing their algorithms to benefit video over other forms of content.
  • Making fun GIFs or stop motion videos is an excellent way to create video content on a smaller scale. 
  • By sharing your video on multiple platforms, you can increase your chances of going viral with a video. 
  • According to the American Marketing Association, video content will be the driving factor behind 85% of search traffic in the US by 2019.

So what are you waiting for? Make like Spielberg, and start creating video content! Contact us today for all of your video marketing needs. 

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