Your new best friend:

Posted at 15th-Aug-2013 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

What are you wearing tonight? That is the question. If you are no longer in college and can’t walk out into the hallway to ask 15 girls for their opinion on which top goes with that new skirt you bought, you’ve probably been reduced to taking the inevitable mirror shot or shameless selfie that you then proceeded to text to your friends hoping for a quick reply. We’ve all been there. We stare in the mirror and convince ourselves that our brand new bright pink patterned top totally goes with the neon shoes we’re dying to wear. Or, maybe you’re a guy and you don’t really care but without the aid of a mom or a sister or a girlfriend to tell you “absolutely not,” you aren’t quite sure if you look like George Clooney or Curious George.

“What Goes With This?” is no longer just a question. We’re so excited about the launch of the new website! The format is simple: crowd source answers to simple fashion questions. Upload or link to photos of items already in your closet or pieces you are contemplating buying.  Then ask, “What goes with this?!” You can add in important details: Do you want to look conservative? Sexy? Really want to add a splash of color? The site will help you maximize your wardrobe and figure out which pieces you need to buy.

Shopping has historically been a social activity.  In 2013, the definition of social is ever expanding. With social media connecting all of us, everywhere, all the time, we’re even more impatient. Let’s be honest, we don’t Instagram photos and hope no one likes them. At the end of the day we’re all fans of that second opinion (or 5th or 6th or 50th). “What Goes With This” brings the social into online shopping and even just closet shopping for an upcoming event.

In the 1939 film “The Women,” the fashion show brings out shoppers and gossip.
In the 2008 version of “The Women,” the cell phone is never far away – and that includes shopping trips.

Earlier this year, The Daily Mail released findings of a poll that determined how much time women spend getting ready for a girls night out:

“Of the total eight hour 19 minutes that girls spend on the getting ready process – a whopping three hours and seven minutes of this is spent shopping and surfing the internet for a new outfit, and a further one hour and 12 minutes trying on various clothes and shoes” (Read full article here).

If that sounds like a whole lot of time that you don’t have, could be your new best friend! Bonus: you can help out your fellow social shoppers and try your hand at a little styling of your own!

Go check it out, get some feedback and feel confident that your outfits will be Facebook photo worthy. Maybe you’ll even reach #nofilter status on Instagram – but let’s not get carried away.

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