Back-to-School Marketing Tips

Posted at 18th-Aug-2021 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply



According to a recent KPMG survey, the average parent’s spending per student is expected to be as much as $270 for this back-to-school season. That’s up from roughly $250 per student in 2020. Back-to-school marketing is a huge opportunity for brands, but one-size fits all campaigns won’t work this year. It’s important that brand marketers lean into a realistic and relatable message, as there is still much uncertainty and anxiety about the transition back to in-classroom learning. As a top social media agency, we’ve rounded up our best back-to-school marketing tips and trends that are shaping this season.

The Power of Influencers

Who is better at connecting with parents than fellow parents? Influencer marketing, in particular, is a great way to reach the parenting demographic on social media. This tactic can support various back-to-school campaigns, whether the goal is to reach a mom who needs affordable supplies, a dad who prefers contactless delivery, or a guardian who has decided to change their child’s education plan. With influencer marketing on the rise, we can expect to see strong back-to-school campaigns from our favorite brands.


Social Media Drives Sales

According to Socialfly CEO Courtney Spritzer, “Brand marketers know that moms with school-aged children are spending more time on social media than ever. Accordingly, these parents are looking to social media for product recommendations that they can purchase online.” Considering parents highly value convenience, brands that make it easy for consumers to purchase their products will see the best results. Brands should also showcase product functionality and promote any details or discounts on social media, and make sure everything is trackable.


Know What Matters

Statistics show that 88% of consumers prefer to buy products at lower prices. This could include a sale, discount, product bundle, free shipping or even a loyalty program of sorts to entice both new and existing customers. Flash and clearance sales are another great strategy for competing with other back-to-school brands and can be highly effective in increasing online sales. Additionally, marketers should continuously highlight product functionality. Creative assets and collateral that showcase a product in-use or surrounded by similar products help consumers make their final purchase decision.


Follow the Trends – And the News

This one might sound obvious, but it’s often overlooked. Make sure your marketing efforts are timely, relevant and adjustable. Ask yourself, “what is everyone raving about this year?” and “how is everyone feeling this year?” Products and marketing campaigns that match the latest trends, consumer needs and general sentiments drive sales and catch people’s attention. 


If you’re interested in running a back-to-school marketing campaign, get in touch with our experts at [email protected]. Be sure to follow us on social media for our latest tips and tricks on how to improve your social media!


Written By: Aixa Brandt, Social Content Creator 



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