Why You Should Consider Advertising on Pinterest

Posted at 31st-Mar-2021 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

Many people automatically jump to Facebook and Instagram when they think of social advertising – and rightfully so. However, there are plenty of other platforms that offer a wide range of advertising opportunities and a chance to reach more niche audiences. Pinterest is just one example of a social platform with untapped potential for direct-to-consumer (D2C) advertising.


Here are some reasons why you should consider advertising on Pinterest:


Explosive Growth 

Pinterest gained 100 million new users in 2020 as people stayed at home and tapped into their creative sides. Today, Pinterest has more monthly active users than both Twitter and Snapchat combined, making it a great option for social advertising.


Prime User Base 

As a platform for discovery, Pinners are actively seeking inspiration, products or services. In fact, 90% of weekly Pinners have made a purchase decision on Pinterest. This makes sense considering nearly 80% of Pinterest users identify as female, and more women use social media for brand research and purchasing than men. There’s also an opportunity for unique reach, as more than 10% of users on Pinterest are not active on Facebook or Instagram.


Advertising Capabilities

Pinterest offers a wide range of advertising capabilities to achieve everything from brand awareness to direct sales. As Pinterest’s userbase grows and becomes more diversified (usage among Gen Z and male Pinners has increased 40% over the past year) the platform has been focused on expanding its e-commerce and advertising options. Product Pins, Pinterest Premiere video ads, and integrations with Shopify are just a few examples of how Pinterest is offering more flexibility for brands who want to advertise on the platform. The platform has also announced  an updated interactive trends tool to provide more specific insights into engagement behaviors, as well as a more broad Conversion Insights tool, which enables advertisers to view both promoted and organic Pin metrics in a single report.


Channel Diversity

In the ever-evolving digital marketing space, it is important to continuously trial new platforms to prevent putting all of your eggs in one basket. Many will recall the Facebook boycott of 2020, which left advertisers scrambling to reallocate their media dollars to other platforms. Having a diverse approach as part of a core marketing strategy will allow greater flexibility to adjust to real-time changes in the marketplace. 


Wondering if Pinterest is right for your brand? Get in touch at [email protected].


Written By: Michael Perkins, Account Supervisor, Paid


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