This Month’s Top TikTok News & Trends

Posted at 11th-Jun-2021 in Hot Topics, Social Media News, Socialfly's How-Tos | Leave a reply

According to the latest data from Sensor Tower, TikTok once again led the global download charts on both iOS and Android in May. As the app continues to grow in popularity and expand its features and tools, we’re keeping you in the loop with the latest TikTok news and trends.


TikTok News 


Sound is Key

According to TikTok’s latest research report, a whopping 88% of TikTok users said that sound is essential to the app’s experience. While this may seem obvious, the report also uncovered that sound is an integral component of brand promotions, too. According to the study, users are more receptive to sound elements within TikTok ads than they are on other platforms, and TikTok is the only platform where ads with audio generate significant lifts in both purchase intent and brand favorability. The study also reported that 73% of respondents said they would “stop and look” at ads on TikTok with audio, a significantly higher result than any other platform. The report provides recommendations on how to use sound within the app, like licensing popular audio, amplifying branded sounds, creating new sounds and utilizing TikTok’s free Commercial Music Library.

Full report here.


TikTok’s New #CreateKindness Campaign

TikTok recently announced the launch of #CreateKindness, a global campaign and creative video series that aims to combat online bullying and foster kindness on the app. The campaign features an animated video series on the @TikTokTips account that tells the real and personal stories of six creator-animators whose distinct animation styles complements their diverse experiences. According to TikTok, “Through their videos, these talented creators offer perspectives on how to counter bullying, show the unintended impact this harmful behavior can have, and remind us why it’s important that we work together to prevent it.” Additionally, TikTok is inviting its community to participate in the #CreateKindness hashtag challenge by creating TikTok videos of heart-warming moments and comments that will ultimately inspire users to choose, celebrate, and create kindness. 

Full story here.


TikTok Trends

Fashion Show

TikTok is making waves in the fashion industry, allowing users to view variations of different looks, products and accessories all in one video. TikTok users have been loving the mom and daughter looks by @brittany.xavier, and some have even taken to creating versions of their own. Take this video by @yoleendadong, for example. 

Life Hacks

TikTok continues to be a go-to resource for never-before-seen life hacks and tips. Recently, @louislevanti shared a post about asparagus helping hangovers. His video received nearly 500k likes and even garnered some attention from the press, opening up a traditional public relations opportunity. 


Optical Illusions

Remember the popular optical illusion dress? Well, now TikTok is receiving its fair share of optical illusions, and users are here for it. One user’s true cyan video received more than 3 million likes, while another’s rabbit illusion has garnered more than 20k likes in just one week.


Viral Dances

And of course, TikTok is still known for its addictive viral dances. The “poof be gone” act is just one example of a routine that has recently made its way around the world, with over 570k videos to date.


With endless opportunities to create viral content, TikTok is a great platform for brands to seamlessly integrate themselves into current trends. Are you interested in growing your brand presence on TikTok? Reach out to our team of experts at [email protected].


Written By: Breann Antokal, Business Development & Marketing Director

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