Amazon Marketing Best Practices for Prime Day

Posted at 16th-Jun-2021 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply


It’s nearly upon us! Amazon Prime Day is coming June 21-22 and many marketers will be looking to capitalize on this event. Why is Prime Day such a pivotal opportunity for brands and how can marketers prepare? We’ll tell you all about the marketing best practices for Amazon Prime Day. 


What is Amazon Prime Day? 

Prime Day is a 48-hour retail holiday designed for Amazon’s Prime members. Amazon Prime Day originally started in July of 2015 as a way to celebrate Amazon’s 20th anniversary. The event was a hit and since then Amazon Prime Day has grown into a massive retail holiday. 


Why is Prime Day so important? 

Prime Day is a massive sales opportunity for brands. First, more consumers are Prime Members than ever before. Due to the pandemic, Amazon Prime subscriptions surged in 2020 with more than 118 million U.S. subscribers. Second, Prime Members are active shoppers. Prime members account for roughly 65% of Amazon shoppers. Last year’s Prime Day brought in a record-breaking $3.5 billion in sales, nearly a 60% year-over-year increase. For context, that is nearly 40% of 2020’s Black Friday consumer sales.  


How to Develop a Prime Day Marketing Strategy

With great profits at stake, brands want to ensure they have a set strategy in place to capitalize on this shopping event. Here are some best practices to keep in mind when preparing for Prime Day: 

  • Develop a cross-channel strategy. Utilize advertising on other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Google to promote your Prime Day deals and drive incremental traffic to your Amazon storefront.   
  • Don’t be afraid to reach all consumers! Prime Day is not exclusive to existing Prime Members. Nearly one-fifth of all Prime Day shoppers sign up just to shop on Prime Day. With this in mind, don’t be afraid to advertise on other platforms where you may not be certain if prospects are Prime subscribers. 
  • Optimize your Amazon advertising. Amazon’s native platform offers a wide range of advertising products including cost-per-click ads such as Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display to reach active shoppers already on Amazon. 
  • Tease your deals early. Prime Members prepare for Prime Day. 89% of Amazon Prime Day shoppers were aware of the event beforehand. Stand out from the competition and start promoting your offers in advance so consumers can plan accordingly. 
  • Drive urgency. Prime Day is only 2 days and consumers are bombarded with hundreds of messages. Make sure your ad creative and copy clearly highlights your promotion and encourages shoppers to shop now


Our Findings

Last year, we ran a paid campaign for an Israeli haircare brand that was looking to drive consideration for their product lines on Prime Day. Leveraging proprietary brand data and industry research, Socialfly developed a strategic media plan across Facebook and Instagram with the goal of driving incremental traffic to the brand’s Amazon storefront. Socialfly maximized results through a 3-phased approach, resulting in a 60% increase in click-through rate, a 35% increase in weekly revenue and a 28% increase in Amazon visits. 


For the full case study and more information on marketing best practices for Amazon Prime Day, get in touch with our team at [email protected].


Written By: Michael Perkins, Paid Account Supervisor


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