Ready, Set… LAUNCH!

Posted at 10th-Jun-2015 in Socialfly's How-Tos | Leave a reply


It is no secret that social media has changed EVERYTHING when it comes to marketing. Businesses and companies are now utilizing the social sphere to drive ticket sales, generate leads, create brand awareness and launch new products or websites!

Here at Socialfly, we recently helped Wala Swim launch their e-commerce site and Urbio promote their new product line, Perch. Over the course of the last few weeks, we’ve seen how best to employ social media tactics to make sure your product or site launch is done flawlessly!

#1: Create a Teaser Campaign

Employing social media to “hint” that something exciting is coming is super important in building anticipation leading up to the launch. This can be done through countdown posts, context clues, etc. As far as a timeline is concerned, we recommend teasing out your launch 30 days prior to your designated launch date. Just be sure to not reveal too much too early in order to keep your consumers intrigued!

#2: Integrate Your Launch Into All of Your Platforms

Don’t forget to mention your new product or site across your various channels!

  • On your Facebook cover photo
  • In your Twitter & Instagram bios
  • On your Google+ page
  • On the banner image on your site
  • In an email newsletter blast to your subscribers

#3: Create a Memorable Hashtag

Having a designated hashtag will allow you to ignite and track any conversations going on about your product launch.

For the hashtag to resonate make sure that it is catchy & unique in order to separate it from anything similar! Also, make sure it is short & easy to spell!

#4: Contests

Contests help create hype leading up to your product launch. Depending on the contest software you use, you can collect a number of very valuable data from consumers: birthdays, email addresses, etc. that can all come in handy later on!

Another thing to keep in mind is, is that people LOVE to win things! Allowing users to gain a bonus entry if they share the contest with friends can also increase the campaign’s visibility as they will want a better chance of winning!

#5: Blogger Outreach

Depending on the product or site that you’re looking to launch, a blogger outreach strategy could be super effective. Certain bloggers have incredible followings and loyal readers. Finding the bloggers that make sense for your brand allows you to place your new product in front of the most relevant of audiences.

Bottom Line

Make social media a vital component of your launch strategy!

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