Linkedin’s Top 5 Design + Development Changes in 2017

Posted at 18th-Apr-2017 in Uncategorized | Leave a reply

Linkedin, the world’s biggest professional networking platform, has undergone some fairly extensive design and development changes this year in a bid to live up to their mission statement. Many of these changes highlight a move to become a premium destination for editorial and business news, in addition to being a recruitment and networking tool. Other simple design changes are rolling out to improve user experience (UX) problems that many users have faced over the years. Below is a breakdown of the bigger changes.

    1. New profile & homepage design
      Facebook is that you? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and with billions of people around the world already using Facebook’s interface, what better place to draw design inspiration from? Make your profile stand out with a custom cover image, articles (which are listed chronologically) and an up-to-date experience section.Not yet sold on the power of a good Linkedin profile? Google indexes profiles, helping your name and business name shop up as the top SEO result, so get started writing those articles to get your name out there.2. Trending stories
      Finally getting targeting with content you like to read? There’s a reason behind this shift. You’ll now notice a more curated homepage feed with trending stories hand-selected by the Linkedin editorial team. Trying to stay ahead of the curve in your industry? Choose a few of Linkedin’s recommended Influencers and watch those listicles roll on in.

      3. Recent activity log
      Trying to remember which new update you just tested? Search no more! You can now see your recent activity on your page, so you won’t have to keep bookmarking all those articles to read later.

      4. New Messaging Features
      Suggested responses are here, so you can network your heart out, without that awkward “how should I respond?” feeling.

      FYI on unpaid accounts, reaching out to a stranger on Linkedin still requires you to send an invite to connect first.

      There is also now an “instant messaging” section at the bottom of your home screen where you can chat with people through a pop-up window, rather than having to navigate back to the inbox, making it easier to keep up to date with your networks.

      5. New Ways for Recruiters to find YOU, the Perfect Candidate
      If you’re actively searching (or not) for the perfect role, you can head on over to the Linkedin Jobs Page and update your preferences to include the field you’re interested in, experience level and size of the company you’d prefer. For active job seekers, flick that “let recruiters know you’re open” toggle button to “on.” Note that Linkedin can’t ensure this isn’t viewable to your current employer.



These changes mark the biggest refresh for Linkedin since its original launch back in 2003, which can only mean that Microsoft has big plans for their latest acquisition. Personally, I’m a big fan and look forward to seeing more developments made by the business network. What do you think? Love these changes or wish they’d go back to the old design? Tweet us @Socialfly and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!


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