5 Steps to Refresh Your Social Strategy In The New Year

Posted at 28th-Nov-2022 in Hot Topics | Leave a reply

It’s that all-to-familiar time of year where our focus must be divided between finishing out the year on a high and shifting our mindset toward 2023. In social media, a new year often brings along pressures for a brand or company to reinvent their presence to demonstrate that they are constantly evolving and keeping up with the changing landscape. This usually leads to the creation of a new social strategy.

While it is important to continue to evolve, a new social strategy doesn’t always mean reinventing the wheel; it can simply mean putting together a refresh which still leans into learnings and platform trends, but focuses on small changes that will make a big difference.

Here are five simple steps to refresh your social strategy in the new year without creating a heavy lift for your team:


Assess your goals and objectives & adjust if necessary 

Take a look back on your previously set goals and objectives, and consider whether those were achieved. If the answer is “no,” keep the same goal but rethink the objectives to make sure your tactics are working toward accomplishment. If the answer is “yes,” it’s time to set some new objectives to make sure you keep growing!


Conduct an audit and identify white space

Doing a brand social media audit, along with a competitive audit, will always ensure you are viewing the full landscape in order to holistically find learning and areas of opportunity. 

For the brand audit, do a deep dive into your analytics: top and bottom performers, sentiment and share of voice, audience insights, and key posting times and cadence. For your competitive audit, identify not only your direct competitors but also best-in-class brands who create innovative and aesthetically eye-catching creative.


Outline your yearly priorities

Make sure you are aware of all campaigns, key products of focus, and yearly events which might require their own mini strategies.


Look into trends and best practices to drive asset type and mix

With algorithm favoritism changing often, make sure you look into trends and platform best practices at the start of the year in order to determine the right mix of content and asset types. While it is easy to say video will always “win,” look to see how other formats are being utilized to give your social presence some variety.


Explore a new aesthetic and secondary palette

There is no need to reinvent the wheel unless your brand is going through a larger refresh. Look at ways your creative team can spruce up templatized content and maybe explore a new secondary color palette; accent colors can make a huge difference when you are looking to create thumb-stopping creative. 


Looking to revamp your social media strategy for 2023? Get in touch with our team of experts at [email protected] and subscribe to our newsletter for more tips & tricks.


Written By: Kristyn Mangiamele, Senior Director, Strategy


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