5 Elements of Successful Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Posted at 12th-Feb-2021 in Hot Topics | Leave a reply

Influencer marketing campaigns have become a pillar of digital marketing, and the industry is primed for continued growth this year and beyond. The global pandemic had marketing teams shifting budgets to find new and innovative ways to connect with their consumers and stay relevant in a quickly changing landscape. Brand budgets have grown exponentially as social content creators have become a proven success vehicle. For reference, brands are forecasted to spend up to $15 billion on influencer marketing by 2022, per Insider Intelligence estimates and Mediakix data.


The influencer industry has a bright future in this new virtual age, as consumers of all demographics and ages have turned to online purchasing. To ensure our brand partners see success in their efforts, we’re keeping these five things top of mind in 2021 for our influencer marketing campaigns:


  • Authenticity drives engagement: Gone are the days when audiences longed to see a perfectly curated feed on social. The content that genuinely connects are the pieces that showcase the influencer from a relatable and unfiltered perspective. Data shows that authentic content drives engagement, which is why it is critical to partner with influencers that can put their spin on a partnership.


  • Finding the right partner is vital: Influencers are much more than their audience size. They’re photographers, performers, creative directors, activists, parents, animal lovers, etc. Viewing them as complete content creators rather than merely considering their follower count will allow brands to find legitimate brand advocates who will use their clout to drive ROI beyond the likes. 


  • Strategic paid amplification is critical for measurable success: Technology has allowed us to get more granular with ad targeting. Pairing stellar influencer content with strategic targeting will empower brands to overcome tricky algorithms and get their content in front of the right audience. This multifaceted approach will impact reach and tangible full-funnel sales significantly. 


  • Diversifying the influencer roster is a must: Influencers come in all different sizes, from nano influencers to celeb-status individuals, and they each bring a unique piece to the puzzle. Tapping a full range of partners will allow brands to engage niche audiences more deeply, while leveraging a larger pool of content on their channels to get the most out of their budget.


  • Social activism is just getting started:  2020 sparked the inner activist in everyone, and we saw how influencers used their platforms to take a stance on the issues they deeply care about. The momentum for diversity and inclusion in social media will continue to impact brands and the content creators they choose to work with. Not only do brands need to continue to partner with a diverse cast of influencers, but they must also have a clear stance on social issues and clearly reflect that position in their digital marketing campaigns. 


If you want to learn more about how influencer-led campaigns can help you to achieve your 2021 brand goals, connect with Socialfly via email at [email protected]!


Written By: Pamela Ciprian, Director, Influencer Marketing

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