How to Lose Your Followers/Friends in 10 Days

Posted at 18th-Jun-2013 in Socialfly's How-Tos | Leave a reply

Are you confused as to why your friend or follower number is decreasing day after day? It’s not them, it’s you! Here are some daily things you may be doing that turn people off:

Day 1: Send automatic Direct Messages (DM) to everyone who follows you. It’s annoying and scary to get a message saying “Someone is saying bad things about you, find out here.”

Day 2: Give the play by play of your day. If you have built a following because you are the go-to for restaurant tips or movie commentary, do NOT start talking about something completely unrelated; for example, “I went to the movies with my friends today and then ate pizza.”

Day 3: Use #a #million #hashtags #on #instagram #and #then #sharing #it #to #Facebook. Yes, you can now use hashtags on Facebook and yes, people will  continue to get pissed off.

 Day 4: Post your twitter feed automatically on Facebook. Facebook is not the place for you to provide updates every minute – that is what Twitter is for – and even then you might be over sharing.

 Day 5: Promote yourself on Facebook all day every day. Yes, Facebook is a wonderful marketing tool (I wouldn’t have a day job if it wasn’t). But, there is definitely an art to promoting and selling. Being very direct and promotional every single time you post is not going to work, unless you are Coca-cola.

 Day 6: Get political. Voicing your political opinions on your social media accounts will quickly get you un-followed and de-friended by those who oppose your views. Go to political forums like to voice your opinions.

Day 7: Social media PDA. Do you love your significant other? Great, call him/her and tell him. Daily “I love you baby” posts followed by pictures of you kissing is a great way to gross people out.

Day 8: Post the infamous “selfies.” We can tell you are taking a picture of yourself and yes, it is annoying if you do it too often.

Day 9: Be an event promoter on Facebook. Inviting someone to a different event everyday will send a daily notification to their account and might distract them from other important notifications. This is a great way to get blocked. Try to only invite people who you think are likely to attend.

 Day 10: Don’t follow anyone back on Twitter. Twitter is a place to build connections and start conversations. When people follow you, it is customary to follow them back. Otherwise, in a few days….they will press “unfollow” when looking at your account. You can thank software like Manage Flitter for calling you out as someone who didn’t follow back.

Everything in moderation is key. Doing too many of these actions will definitely tick people off. Keep these actions in mind when trying to build a following! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to [email protected] .

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