Confused by Twitter? Start Here!

Posted at 26th-Apr-2013 in Hot Topics | Leave a reply


Many of our clients are often disenchanted with Twitter after they have created an account and started tweeting on their own. They seem to believe that if you build it, the following will come. That is simply not true. When beginning to build a brand and create your online presence, you must be prepared to consistently build and give others a reason to be interested in your content. Building you brand, building your following, and building your content is an ongoing, never ending process. Simply creating an account is just the first step. After that, is where the real fun begins. Here are a few steps to help you navigate the seemingly overwhelming world of twitter.


1.  Optimize your profile. Add a profile and header picture. Include links to your website. And most importantly, add a bio.


2.  Start tweeting about news and thoughts that are relevant to the brand you are trying to build and the image you are trying to portray.


3.  Build relationships with fellow twitter users by tweeting to them using the @ symbol. For example, “@SocialflyNY thank you for following me. I love your company.” This is a great way to build relationships with people.


4.  Use hashtags. This is a great way to categorize your tweet and allow others to find you when searching that specific topic.


5.  Use the search feature. If you are selling something, search for people talking about needing your product. If you feel passionately about something, search for others who are sharing their ideas on twitter, and start talking to them.


6.  Follow back! This is a great way to build relationships and keep new followers. Users will often unfollow you if you don’t follow them back.


Employing all of these tactics will help with your presence. But, the most important tactic of all is consistency. Tweet daily and over time, the following will come. #bepatient #keeptweeting



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