Who Is Gen Z? Traits, Values, and Buying Habits of America’s Most Diverse Generation

Posted at 21st-Oct-2024 in Hot Topics | Leave a reply
Generation Z on cell phones

Generation Z (aka Zoomers) are rewriting the rules of culture, communication, and consumer behavior with their tech-first approach to life.

Born roughly from the late 90s to around 2012, Gen Z grew up in the age of smartphones, social media, and instant information. They’re digital natives, meaning they’ve never known a world without Wi-Fi and Google. But who exactly are they, and how can your brand connect with them?

In this article, we’re diving deep into the minds of Gen Z to understand what makes them tick. From their core values to their purchasing habits and even their favorite social media platforms, keep reading to learn what Gen Z values, and get pro tips for marketing to Gen Z. Ready to meet your next wave of customers? Let’s go!

Who Is Gen Z?

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up as true digital natives, meaning they’ve been surrounded by technology since their earliest years. Constant connection to the online world has shaped their behaviors and preferences in ways that stand out from previous generations (especially from Gen X and Boomers).

How connected are they? Well, according to data from a study by the Center for Generational Kinetics:

  • 58% of Gen Zers can’t go more than 4 hours without internet access before they become uncomfortable.
  • Nearly two-thirds of Gen Zers think the internet will determine what they will do on a daily basis just a few years from now.
  • 56% of Gen Zers are friends with someone they only know online.

Members of Gen Z value speed, convenience, and authenticity. They expect quick answers from brands on social media and turn to influencers they trust for product recommendations. For Zoomers, the digital space isn’t just part of life—it is life.

What Gen Z Values and Desires

Gen Z stands out from prior generations in their values and priorities. Here’s what sets them apart.

Diversity & Multiculturalism

Gen Z is the most diverse generation in history, and they embrace that diversity in every aspect of life. According to a Pew Research study, nearly half of Gen Zers in the U.S. identify as part of a racial or ethnic minority.

This multicultural perspective influences their preferences, from the brands they support to the media they consume. Gen Z expects to see representation across the board, from diverse characters in movies to inclusive advertising that reflects the world they live in.


Members of Gen Z want everyone to feel seen, heard, and valued, regardless of their background or identity. In one survey, 83% of Gen Zers said a company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is important when choosing an employer.

Companies that authentically promote inclusivity in their marketing, products, and internal practices win major points with this generation. Gen Z seeks out brands that align with their commitment to creating spaces where all voices matter.

Social Responsibility

Young woman planting trees for climate change

Social responsibility is extremely important to members of Gen Z. They’re passionate about issues like climate change, human rights, and social justice, and they expect the brands they support to be equally engaged.

According to the National Retail Federation, members of Gen Z are deeply concerned about sustainability, but they face a conundrum: Sustainable products typically come with a higher price point, and many members of Gen Z still live at home and have very limited spending power. This can make it harder for them to make values-based purchasing decisions.

Yet 73% of Gen Zers surveyed still said they would pay more for sustainable products. The bottom line: If your brand can offer Gen Z a sustainably produced product or service at a reasonable price point, you’re likely to do well with Gen Z.


Gen Z values individuality and expects brands to cater to their personal tastes. They want curated experiences that speak directly to them. A study by the Center for Generational Kinetics found that 75% of Gen Zers surveyed said they’re likely to buy a product if they can customize it.

Gen Zers prefer personalized digital experiences and are willing to share their data to get it. From personalized product recommendations to custom content, this generation thrives on feeling unique and understood in every interaction with a brand.


Members of Gen Z have an incredible radar for detecting anything that feels fake or forced, and they have no patience for brands that try to be something they’re not.

According to a SurveyMonkey study, one in three Gen Zers said brand authenticity was important to them when deciding to purchase from a brand. For brands, this means staying true to your company’s values, being transparent, and building real connections with your audience.

Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is critical for Gen Z, who prioritize mental health and personal well-being alongside career success. They’ve redefined “hustle culture” in favor of a more balanced approach. Deloitte reports that cultural activities—such as reading, playing or listening to music, seeing performances, etc.—are as important to Gen Zers as their work.

They want flexible work arrangements, clear boundaries between work and life, and workplaces that support mental health initiatives. And 63% of Gen Zers believe in Universal Basic Income, which could promote greater work-life balance by eliminating the need to take on side hustles to make ends meet.


Collaboration is at the heart of how Gen Z prefers to work and create. This generation values teamwork, open communication, and the sharing of ideas across all levels of an organization.

Gen Zers are more motivated by collaborative working environments. They thrive in environments where they can contribute to group success, offer feedback, and work toward common goals with others.

Continuous Learning

For Gen Z, learning doesn’t stop after formal education. They believe in the power of continuous learning, driven by their access to an endless stream of information online. According to FDM Group, most Gen Z survey respondents said they would switch jobs in pursuit of skills-building opportunities. They also rated continuous learning with an average score of 4.89 out of 5.

Members of Gen Z seek out employers that encourage professional development and offer tools to help them grow, both personally and professionally.

Gen Z & Money: How They Spend, Save, and Splurge

Gen Z approaches money cautiously, but they’re not afraid to spend money, especially if the product or service is aligned with their values. Having grown up in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and amid the rise of the gig economy, members of Gen Z are more financially savvy and risk-averse than previous generations. This generation is serious about financial stability and often seeks ways to save for big-ticket purchases, despite their love for instant gratification.

When it comes to spending, Gen Z isn’t shy about splurging on experiences and products that align with their values. They’re known to invest in quality over quantity, prioritizing sustainability, ethical brands, and personalized experiences. And Gen Z spending is up by 14% from the pre-Covid-19 period, according to Afterpay.

Gen Z is more likely to spend on tech gadgets, wellness products, and unique experiences like travel and events that provide meaningful memories. While they’re careful spenders, Gen Z isn’t shy about embracing the splurge, especially when it comes to treating themselves.

Whether it’s a new gadget or a limited-edition fashion item, they’ll spend on things that reflect their individuality and lifestyle. And more than half (55.1%) of Gen Z digital buyers ages 14 and older will use a buy now, pay later (BNPL) service at least once this year. This demonstrates that Gen Z is not afraid to use financial tools to satisfy their spending desires while staying within budget.

This generation’s balanced approach to money—careful saving mixed with values-based splurging—sets them apart, making them both conscientious consumers and trendsetters.

How to Market to Gen Z

Group of young adults taking a selfie

Marketing to Gen Z means tapping into their values, behaviors, and digital habits. Here’s how to market to Gen Z effectively:

Embrace social media and short-form content.

Gen Z lives on social media, especially platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Short-form, visually engaging content captures their attention quickly. One survey even found that more than half of Gen Z uses TikTok as their primary search engine. Move over, Google!

Brands that create authentic, entertaining, and relatable content on these platforms are more likely to build loyalty and engagement with this generation. Social media marketing is a potential goldmine. If you don’t have the time or expertise to handle social media in-house, hire an expert.

Highlight social responsibility.

Gen Z is more likely to support brands that align with their values, particularly those that prioritize social and environmental issues. Gen Z is 3 times more likely than all other generations to say that serving communities and society at large is the primary role of businesses (rather than simply making money).

Brands that actively engage in social responsibility, whether through sustainable products or social justice campaigns can forge deeper connections with Gen Z consumers.

Be transparent and authentic.

Authenticity is critical when marketing to Gen Z. This generation can spot inauthenticity from a mile away, and they value transparency in both brand messaging and business practices.

A report by Roundel found that 73% of Gen Z shoppers prefer to buy from brands and retailers whose shopping experiences “inspire and delight.” And Gen Z will drop “fake” brands like a hot potato. Every week a third of Gen Zers say they block or unfollow a brand on social media they perceive as inauthentic.

Gen Z isn’t just looking for product attributes—they want an authentic buying experience. Be upfront about your brand’s values, operations, and product origins to build trust with this skeptical yet loyal audience.

Personalize the experience.

Gen Z craves personalization and expects brands to cater to their individual tastes. The same report by Roundel found that 61% of Gen Zers expect brands and retailers to offer shopping experiences tied to previous interactions—both online and in-store.

Whether it’s personalized product recommendations or tailored content, this generation responds to brands that make them feel seen and understood. Leverage data-driven marketing to create custom experiences that appeal to each consumer’s unique preferences. If you don’t have the time or expertise, get help from an expert digital marketing agency.

Leverage influencer marketing.

Gen Z trusts influencers more than traditional advertising. They seek out real, relatable voices when deciding which products to buy, and influencer marketing can be a powerful tool to reach them.

In one survey, a third (33%) of Gen Z respondents said they trust product and brand recommendations by social media influencers “a lot” or “completely.” Meanwhile, just 13% of the Baby Boomer cohort said they trust influencers completely, while 41% said they don’t trust influencers at all.

To reach Gen Z effectively, partner with influencers who align with your brand values and have an authentic connection with their followers to maximize your reach. If you’re not sure where to start or how to find the right influencer for your brand or campaign, partner with an experienced influencer marketing agency.

Focus on mobile-first experiences.

In 2023, Gen Z Americans spent an average of just over 7 hours on their smartphones—up 6.5% from the prior year. Advertising on mobile has huge potential to reach Gen Z viewers.

Ensure your brand’s website, apps, and marketing materials are optimized for mobile. Use mobile-friendly interfaces, offer seamless shopping experiences, and incorporate mobile payment options to meet Gen Z where they are—on their phones.

Create interactive and engaging content.

Whether it’s participating in a TikTok challenge, responding to a brand’s Instagram poll, or joining a branded gaming experience, Gen Z thrives on engaging with content that invites them to take part.

Gen Z loves interactive content that allows them to actively engage with a brand. Quizzes, polls, augmented reality experiences, and live-streamed events are all great ways to keep this generation engaged with your brand.

How to Build a Gen Z Marketing Funnel

We’ve talked a lot about transparency, authenticity, and personalized experiences. No surprise, then, that these attributes are foundational to creating an effective Gen Z marketing funnel.

At the top of the funnel, focus on capturing attention with authentic, engaging content that resonates with their experiences. Gen Z has a low tolerance for overly polished ads, so it’s important to embrace transparency and let your brand’s true voice shine through.

Use short-form, snackable content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram to build awareness, while ensuring that your messaging reflects real-world social issues or values that they care about. Interactive experiences like polls, quizzes, and challenges can also drive engagement at this stage.

As you guide them down the funnel, personalization becomes key. Gen Z expects brands to understand their unique preferences and deliver tailored content or product recommendations. Offer personalized experiences—whether through targeted ads, emails, or product suggestions based on their online behavior.

Transparency at every touchpoint is crucial. Be clear about your product, pricing, and values, and avoid overly polished, corporate tones in favor of authentic, relatable content. To seal the deal, continue offering interactive, engaging experiences, such as live streams, influencer collaborations, or virtual try-ons.

By providing real value throughout the funnel, you’ll build trust and loyalty with this savvy generation.

Want to Reach Gen Z? Partner with Socialfly

African American influencer woman promoting a product

We hope these facts and stats have given you some insight into Gen Z and what makes them tick. Socialfly is a leading digital marketing agency based in New York. We help clients across the country connect with Gen Z through targeted social media and influencer marketing campaigns.

Our women-led team is made up of digital natives who know how to get results on the most popular social media platforms. We leverage both organic engagement and paid ads to help you build a well-rounded strategy that gets results.

Ready to get started? Check out our work and get in touch to learn more about how we can help you reach Gen Z where they live, work, and play.


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