The Body Space Fitness #10WKCHALLENGE

Posted at 1st-Oct-2012 in Hot Topics | Leave a reply

We all know the importance of eating well and working out, yet so few of us take the necessary time and effort to incorporate this into our everyday routine. Living in New York makes it all the more challenging as a work hard play hard approach to life is the norm. My schedule is filled with back to back meetings, strategy sessions, networking events, researching, analyzing, and enjoying any time I have left to explore the city with my amazing friends.


Up until recently, our client, Kelvin Gary, owner of Body Space Fitness, has been begging Stephanie and I to come in for a training session and not just a business meeting like we usually do. Finally obliging a weeks ago, Stephanie and I were taken aback after Kelvin took our measurements. We have over 28% body fat! For those of you who are not familiar with the term, this is on the low side of average for a woman. In an effort to motivate us, Kelvin immediately posed the idea of a challenge to get us to start working out and eating well. Never one to step away from a challenge, we immediately accepted and enlisted the help of our friends at Sakara Life and SpaFinder Wellness a few days later. Being the social media lovers that we are, we plan on documenting our journey on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the full 10 weeks.


Being healthy is not about being thin. It’s about getting the right amount of nutrients every day and working out. Many people would be surprised to learn that Stephanie and I often indulge in fast food as we are always on the go. I am also ashamed to admit that I rarely ever frequent the gym. My poor eating habits and lack of exercise have finally caught up with me and its time to get in shape!


We have already completed the first week and I feel great already. It is certainly challenging as we have to work out 4 times a week and keep a food journal. The 9 weeks ahead are only going to get more intense. I am confident that this hard work will pay off and change our lives forever. We hope to inspire all of you who are following. We are all guilty of making new years resolutions to get back in shape and giving up on them shortly after the new year begins, but the beginning of the year is not the only time you can take action. Get a head start right now and go into the new year looking good and feeling good. Join us in this challenge.


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